Those weird chills down your back…

Last night I walked into our living room where my daughter was watching the DVD for our Vacation Bible School (VBS), learning the music because she is also helping another church with their VBS this week.  The music is always a cute combination of faith with dance motions that will get the kids excited and hopefully help them learn the lessons that they are tied into.  I’ve been doing this since before I started pastoring, no big deal, another year, another VBS…not really.

She was listening to one of the songs that slows things down and really makes the participants think and when I heard the lyrics to a song called “Worthy” which proclaims how jesus alone is worthy; something I have preached time and time again, as well as professed belief in as well.  For some reason when I heard “bow down”, I had weird chills run up and down my back…and not the good butterflies in the stomach type.  I was sincerely creeped out by this!

Should be interesting since we have our own VBS in a little over a week. 

About questionablefaith

I am an actively serving baptist minister going through a crisis of faith...sometimes I see myself more in the agnostic camp than in the "believer" camp. Honestly, I don't really know what I believe anymore, and this is my outlet for thinking.

Posted on June 14, 2012, in Uncategorized and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink. 3 Comments.

  1. Wow! You really can’t stomach the stuff anymore. You know the pastor of my last church just resigned. He said he was stressed out. I heard that he preached last on Sunday.
    Apparently, he made a summary of his 4 years of sermons as a pastor. I think that’s a cope out. He just didn’t want to prepare a sermon.

    I told my believer husband that maybe the guy is leaving the faith, but my husband is adamant that the guy is just tired and looking for another church. Who knows?

  2. It is a tricky thing bringing up or teaching kids. We can’t not pass onto them what we believe is true, whether it is christian faith or ethics or whatever, but we have to do it sensitively to respect how impressionable they are. Maybe you are concerned about the grey area there?

    • This has been the most disturbing thing to me so far on this journey…it really messed with my head, and not in a good way. I’ve sung plenty of worship songs over the last few weeks, but there was something about this one that just hit me the wrong way. I’m still trying to figure it out.

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